"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
He never thought he would find himself in such a predicament. He always thought that he was above such petty casualties of life. And most around him believed it too. He always seemed so casual, so at ease with himself and the world around him. He was the centre of all the action, was always a fun guy to be around. He had the way about him like he ruled the earth he was walking on; people somehow had started to think so too. People loved him, and always found reason to be around him. He was a man’s man. Some envied him, most wanted to be him. Women loved him, he loved them back. Each and every single one of them, he never distinguished one from the other. Always spread his love and attention around. But then something happened. Someone happened.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
He never thought he would find himself in such a predicament. He always thought that he was above such petty casualties of life. And most around him believed it too. He always seemed so casual, so at ease with himself and the world around him. He was the centre of all the action, was always a fun guy to be around. He had the way about him like he ruled the earth he was walking on; people somehow had started to think so too. People loved him, and always found reason to be around him. He was a man’s man. Some envied him, most wanted to be him. Women loved him, he loved them back. Each and every single one of them, he never distinguished one from the other. Always spread his love and attention around. But then something happened. Someone happened.
All through his school and college life, he had been conscious of the effect he had on the people around him, especially those of the opposite sex. He was tall, not bad looking but his real trump card was his wit and smile. From as far as he can remember, everyone told him he was going to break some hearts when he was grows old. He took that seriously I guess, always found himself to be living in a bit too many hearts at once, making guest appearances in one too many poor adolescent and some not so young women’s nightly fantasies, each a bit sinister than the last one, each getting weirder and even more paranoid as he progressed along the in years.
Somehow he managed to keep his wits about him and not get too carried away by all this. He kept doing well at school; got all the grades required to get him into a well-reputed architecture school in the capital city. In college too, in spite of all the girls in his class going gaga over his shoulder long hair, which was a craze back then, he still stuck to being his self. He never was lonesome, had the company of the best of people around him wherever he went. The geeks, when he wanted some homework done. The queen bees, when he needed something else done, which they got done using their jock boyfriends. Sometimes a lonely spinster, or even some married, female teacher of the college had a weak spot for this boy and he had his way no matter what.
He had his merry way throughout the first and half way through second year of college. The Christmas holidays were close. He wasn’t going to be able to go home this time, not that he cared too much. But he really hoped to extort some money from his dad to buy him a new car, the old one was getting out of fashion. He was still having a brainstorming session, devising a strategy for this mission, in the dorm lobby when he heard a loud yell from the floor above. He ran upstairs, and found a girl running into toilet at the end of the hallway, sobbing. He also heard noises of footsteps rushing upstairs to the floors above and the slamming of a door.
He spent quite some time outside the toilet, pondering whether he should go in or not. He never before in his life has been at this spot, where he had to choose something for himself. He was always told what was good for him, decisions where always taken for him. And wherever this wasn’t possible he always went along with the crowd and did what they did. He never really thought for himself. And at this moment, he had to. He can either, go back downstairs to his sofa and think of ways to get a brand new car bought from his rich father’s money. Or, he can open this door and find out what really happened here a few minutes ago. Luckily for him, this time again the decision was made for him.
The door suddenly opened, and out came the craziest looking woman he had ever seen. She was almost as tall as he was, but stick thin, had funny eye glasses on which made her eyes look huge. This wasn’t one bit funny because the look in those eyes right then was murderous and that scared the living crap out of him. This was the first time he had looked anyone so angry. He was always used to people being hunky dory around him, de had never known a lousy day in his life and if were there any such day his dad’s riches were always at his disposal to make him feel happy happy again. The girl stormed out of the doorway, right past him hardly noticing him or the slightly perturbed look on his face. A part of him was glad that she was gone, but a part of him was offended by the fact that she was the first female ever in his life who had totally ignored him so offhandedly. And the curiosity got the better of him and he followed this clearly insane character up the stairs to the floor above.
The moment she reached the hallway, she let out a long shrill yell. He jumped with a start and almost falls backwards down the stairway. She raced down the hallway knocking on every door on both sides of her. Many of these were opened by some really frightened or some very angry residents. But there was one door that remained shut. This was a night before Christmas holiday was about to begin and it was freezing outside, there was no way in hell anybody would even dare stay out on a time like this. She came in front of this closed door and started frantically hitting and slamming and clawing at it in her now familiar crazy manner, shouting some very creative abuses simultaneously. He was oddly amused by the variety of profanity that seemingly studious girl could yell out at the top of her voice in one breath. He even thought of memorising which involved shoving an elephant’s organ into somebody in a not so comfortable manner.
By this time, people from the other floors of the dorm had come to check out what the fuzz was all about. One very brave and sort of dorky looking kid came besides the girl and tried to calm her down. The girl didn’t seem to notice this guy either and kept attacking at the closed door. Seeing the dork, courage some others too came to take the girl away. Finally, a group of four very dorky students were needed to get her out of that hallway. The crowd thinned out and immediately started at creating their own theories as to why the girl seem to be so pissed at that specific door.
He stood there in the hallway for a few more minutes to figure out what to do next. And again, luckily for him, for the second time in recent past his decision was made for him. The door, that until a few moments ago seemed as if had decided to never to open for any reason come what may, was now opening without even a silenced creak. And on its doorway was standing a tall well-built guy with a vicious smirk on his face. He recognised this guy; he was on the wrestling team. This guy’s girl happened to be in our hero’s classmate and also seemed to have a huge crush on him.
The wrestler cautiously came out of the room and into the hallway. Seeing our hero, his smirk widened, and said, “Shucks man, is that bitch still around? I’ll tell ya man, some chicks just cannot take a joke man. I mean, come on it was just a joke, anybody with half a brain could see that. What the hell she get so worked up about??”
Our hero had no idea what he was talking about, so he did what he was good at. He nodded, and gave one of his best knowing smile.
This seemed to encourage the wrestler to talk more, “ Hey, I know you. You are from Piya’s modern buildings class. Vardhan-something right? I tell ya man, chicks are crazy! I mean look at her dude, do you think any guy in there right senses would actually lift up her skirt to do something very ‘un-honourable’!!”
This made Vardhan look up at him bit too soon and that caught the wrestlers eye.
“I mean, yeah I was just fooling around with my friends, coming up back to my room here when we found her on that hallway below. We were just teasing her, man. Then suddenly she goes ahead and gets started to give us this holier-than-thou lecture on how it’s so ‘un-gentlemanly’ of us to treat a girl in such a disrespectful way. Big shit, like we don’t know how to treat a real girl eh bro.”
Vardhan saw that dirty look on his face and felt like he was going to throw up. All he wanted to do now was get the hell out of there but couldn’t move his feet for some reason. He also noticed that his palms were sweating and he was beginning to go cold around the back of his neck. But the wrestler hadn’t noticed any of this, he was till going on with his story.
“ So, I go up to her and say ‘look gorgeous, the only thing here that makes you any different from any of those garbage cans out there is that little skirt you are wearing. Other than that, you resemble half the pigs in Reddy’s father’s farmhouse. So, why not let me do you a favour and get rid of that skirt for you’. The moment I said that, man did she freak out. Like I was gonna rape her or something, she pushed me away from her and ran. The guys suggested bailing out from there and we came to our room. Man, we had no idea she was this crazy. She almost gave me the frights, the little wh-“
Vardhan was sure the wrestler never saw it coming, he himself never could have predicted himself doing anything like this himself. Before he could utter that despicable word Vardhan landed a nice full hard fisted punch on the wrestler’s lower jaw. This was the the first time Vardhan had got physical and hit anybody in his life, and his first fight was with a guy who was taller and stronger than he is and one who has represented the college in the arena for the past three years. But he wasn’t thinking on any of that at that moment, all he could think of was hitting this piece of crap and causing as much pain as he possibly can. his whole body was shaking and his fist was paining but he was too angry to notice any of that. His eyes were wild and the look of anger and vengeance on his face kept everybody far away from him. His first hit came as a surprise to the wrestler and put him off balance, he went down on one knee. Vardhan started kicking him repeatedly on his sides trying to break his ribs with each of his kick. Soon the wrestler was yelling out more in pain, than in surprise.
For the second time that day, the residents of the rooms in that hallway opened their doors to find chaos outside. There they saw their wrestler neighbour being thrashed by a guy they had only seen around the campus in his expensive clothes and rich friends. It wasn’t the actual fight that kept them at shock it was the guy who was throwing all the blows. They couldn’t for the best of them make sense of why this, preppy rich kid was kicking the living poop out of the two time wrestling champion of their college. A good six very healthy guys were required to pull Vardhan away from the wrestler. Vardhan was never this pumped up in his life. All he could think of was doing something, mostly was related to hurting that jerk some more. And he did, he pushed away all those six guys and went in for round two.
It took some time to calm Vardhan down. Soon the dorm in charge and a couple of senior staff were called in from the respective homes to make sense of what had happened. The girl’s story was supported by one of her friends who had seen the wrestler’s friends rush upstairs when she yelled. The wrestler was suspended from college for a month and was banned from the arena for a year. He wasn’t charged for molestation and physical abuse on request of the girl’s parents, they didn’t want this incident to harm the girl’s future.
Rajendra Vijaykant Vardhan was a changed man after that day. The college praised him for his bravery and his chivalry, but had to suspend him for a week for abusing a co-student. He spent that week making amends with all the women in campus that he had hurt and vowed to never again to use any woman to get his kicks, nor does he let anybody else to..
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