December 24, 2012

The Doomsday can still come! The world, as we know it, can still come to an END!!

"Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us. And the Prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison."
- Heinreich Heine,
  "Lutetia; or, Paris" Augsberg Gazette, 1842

I did not know who Heine was at that time, nor did I know why he said that. But in light of recent events I am not sure if anything else would be more appropriate here.

There are times when pop culture, with all of its cliches and overdramatic urban legends, comes out with something so logically convincing and outright bizarrer that the whole world mankind unwillingly (or willingly as an escape from reality) ends up believing it.

21, December, 2012 was one such legend.

People were falling prey to it everywhere. Dozens for documentaries were made, hundreds of websites and forums created to bring together people of this cult to prepare for the "end of time" conflicts, thousands of bunkers and strongholds built in basements and high hills where people shut themselves up for most of the second half of the year. Millions spend on a high budget ($200mto be precise) Roland Emmerich movie on it, which also incidentally earned its maker millions ($770m!)

So clearly, this was a big deal. Or so everyone thought until the day actually came.

It came and it went. Nothing of grave importance occured. It was just another day for most of the planet.

World did not end. Buildings did not crumble like sand castles. Cities did not slid into the ocean. Hot lava did not pour out of the mound in the park.

All that happened was that I missed the bus to work.

Nothing new there even.

We are back where we are. Right?

I am not a big fan of politics. For me it stinks no matter from what your vantage point is. Left. Center. Right.

I am not a big fan of fame. For me it leads to nothing but destruction of who you are than any other vice on this planet.

I am not a big fan of filthy-rich. For me no matter how bulked up your coffers are, you can never sleep sound if even one coin of it is not earned fair.

I am not a big fan of anything that does harm to others unnecessarily.

But I am a big a huge fan of mankind.

I believe humans have immense potential for everything. I believe in them. I believe in the collective will of the species for survival and for doing good for themselves and for those around them. I believe in their strength and resolve to see something through. Humans are meticulous, stubborn, creative and our instincts are probably the most advanced in the plane. I believe they can accomplish anything they set their mind to.


And now that is also exactly what has begun to scare me too.

Human beings are capable of – anything.

In past, this one sentence would have brought inspirational moving ‘got get em tiger’ emotions in me. Today this one sentence scares the living *hit out of me.

A student sexually assaulted in by a group of bus crew in moving bus, right in the center of the capital city of the most densely populated country on Earth.
Dozens killed in an Air Strike in a troubled Middle Eastern nation.
Dozen polio vaccination social workers and medical care givers attacked, few fatally, in one of the three countries where the disease still exist.

Atleast half a dozen African countries wrought with civil war. Where every minute 3 innocent/military lives are lost.

22 people including children stabbed outside a school by a knife wielding man in the most populated country on the planet.

27 children and adults, including his own mother, murdered by a 20 year old mentally-ill kid. Using his mother’s semi automatic shotguns and rifles, that she locked in her basement. Reports also mention him blasting 11 bullets into a 6-year-old child. He later murdered himself. (THANK GOD)

Many many more..
~ Anything ~

What adds to this tragedy is the mere fact that this I have mentioned from today’s newscast only.

Where did we go wrong?

If this were an isolated thing I could have wringed my hands and said well those Americans are just too violent, those Asians are just like that, those Europeans have lost their famous civility, those Africans just love plundering their own continent. But this isn’t just limited one sub-continent or hemispehere.

This is everywhere.

I find it hard not to notice a pattern in these. We as a specie are getting violent. And just plain old lets go to war violence. This is violence on the most primal basic level. The sheer animalistic shades of it scare me. We are going back to the Stone Age. There is no remorse anymore. No guilt over spilled blood of your brethren. We as a specie have lost it.

We have somehow managed mislay the single thing that makes us human, our humanity. Our love for each other. Our feeling of oneness. We our self has become our worst enemy.

They say December 21st was going to be the End of Days. They said apocalypse is round the corner.

Yes. It is.

Not cause of the Mayans said so. Nor cause it is mentioned by some scientists or I-Ching, or Bible or Kuran or Gita.

The reason for it is us. We do not deserve all that this planet has bestowed on us. We do not deserve to survive when so many other specie had to die for us to exist. We have lost the right to survive. We had our time. Now it has to end. We have crossed our peak of our existence and it was brilliant. Now its brilliance is long gone, and we have no choice but to grit out teeth an bear the bitter end.


The other thing that I love a lot about us humans, is our potential for change. We have shown time and time again in the past that we are capable of brining about some of the most radical changes in our lifestyle at the time when we need it the most. These changes enabled us to survive for so long when more the half the specie of this beautiful planet has become extinct and another quater is just about to be. We need to use that strength in each of us. We must bring about that change in us.

We might like it, you and me as individuals. You and I are capable of doing the right things. It comes as an instinct. When a fellow human being is under pain or is undergoing something humiliating. We feel their pain and humiliation. Our face reflects that person's agony.

That is our best trait: Empathy.

But dont know why we as people do not really make up our minds. We do what the other person does. We imitate, make do, follow. We never do what we like, or feel, or wish to do. We are too content going with the flow. Do what the person next to you does so that you do not stand out.

Tell me one thing, my friend. What is wrong with standing out, if it is only for something that is going to help somebody? What is wrong with standing up for something, for something good?

We will have to change our way of life. We have bring about a radical change in our way of thinking. We have to change minds, ours, our loved one's, our friend's, our enemy's, of even people in the most remotest corner of the planet. Bring them to light. Bring them to live life the good way.

You can do it, you have it in you. You always had, now is the time to bring it out!

You want to do good. Do it.

You want to smile at some stranger just cause you feel like it. Do it.

You want to go out there and feel like hugging the first happy old couple you see. Do it.

You want to go talk to that cute girl in the park you had a crush on. Do it.

You want to buy a candy for the pan-handling little kid at the traffic signal. Do it.

You want to go to the hospital for orphans and spend some time playing with the kids. Do it.

Do good.

It is the only thing that is going to save this planet, save you, me and everyone that you love.

We are doomed yes. But we ourselves are our saviours. Help each other out. Help yourself. Inhumane things are inherent in all humans. Some just act on them while the rest don't. Be among the rest. Be among those whose names once mentioned will bring a smile to somebody's face, regardless of whether that person might know you or not.

You are free to be your own person, be your own person. If you are sad and lonely, you dont have to be. There are eight billion people out there, there is a high probability you can find atleast one soul who can share your burden. You are never alone, you have loads to give, you are amazing.

Do what your heart says. The heart usually votes for doing the right thing, its the brain that comes in the way. Let, for a change, heart rule your actions.

You are free to be your own man. Lets use the freedom that is already ours for the taking. And use it for doing things that you think are right. Freud said that most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. Prove him wrong. He has been right too many times. He can handle being wrong for once!


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  1. That was really well stated. Most humans have no idea how many species have existed. Even taxonomists/geologist have not exact idea. We only know what the rocks show us and even then with tectonics much of our historical rock record is lost. Conodonts is this eel like creature with microscopic tooth like fossils that our thought to be from there feeding aparatus. Point being they thrived from Ordivian and dissapreared at the end of the Triassic...that is roughly 300 million years. Compared to conodonts our species excistance is only a blink of an eye. Maybe our brilliance will be our doom.

    1. That is really very well stated, my friend. And I am really grateful to you for taking time out to put it in that way :)

      Yes, you are right. Our brilliance will lead to large scale crisis, it has already beginning to show in a lot many mishaps that we see going on around all over the globe. Our skill and intelligence inadvertly seems like a cause to a lot of them, but more so our inempt way of dealing with them. We are way too selfish and coruupt to give a damn. To just sit out and think things out right for a change!!


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